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choosing a teen summer program

10 Questions to Ask when Vetting a Summer Program

By: Carley Hill, Broadreach HQ Parents

As a parent, you know your student is ready for the increased challenge of an international summer program. You know letting your teen or pre-teen flex their muscles by helping them move beyond their comfort zone is good for their growth and development. That said, letting them go can be a nerve-wracking experience! Entrusting a camp or summer program with your teen isn’t a decision to be taken lightly. How can you find out if you’re choosing the right summer program?

Here’s a list of 10 questions to ask when researching summer program options for your middle or high school student.

  • How are programs supervised and facilitated?
  • How are group dynamics managed on program? How are disciplinary issues or conflicts between students handled?
  • What are the qualifications and experience of the staff?
  • What is the instructor-to-student ratio on program?
  • How are medical emergencies handled? Do staff have any medical training?
  • What safety measures are in place for various activities? What is your organization’s approach to risk management?
  • How are meals provided? Are you able to accommodate different dietary needs or restrictions?
  • How is communication managed between parents and the organization and/or students during the program? Will I be able to communicate with my student?
  • What are the living arrangements like?
  • Can I get references from previous students and their families?

The answers to these questions, in addition to an organization’s attitude towards answering them, can help you narrow down your summer program options. Have a discussion about it with your student, as well, so that they feel a part of the decision-making process.

Good luck! Finding the right summer program for your teen can be a long process, but a truly rewarding one.

Still have questions that weren’t addressed in the session? Please reach out! We love speaking with students and their families about our adventures. Request more information, schedule a chat with one of our friendly program coordinators or give us a call at 919-256-8200. Wondering what programs are available? You can explore our program options for middle school and high school students.